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Market Research Consultation

Market Research ConsultationMarket Research Consultation

Market Research Consultation

CJB and Associates works closely with ACB Research ( to conduct consumer product tests. For example, we recently completed a product test on the Venice Beach boardwalk with over 400consumers. CJB offers market research consultation for products testing as well. Carlos Barroso spent several years in the Market Research Dept. of Procter& Gamble and has designed dozens of product and consumer tests.

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Other Services

Quality Assurance

Whether it's bringing acrylamide levels down or performing a global food safety gap analysis, we can help you improve your regulatory and safety systems.

Design to Consumer Value

Increase margins by increasing the consumer value of your products and challenging everything that customers do not value.

Innovation Assessment

Detailed overall assessment of your product development life cycle opportunities, from ideation to commercialization and actionable recommendations.

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